welcome to delaney jaye

“Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.”

– Paulo Coelho

Hey! I'm Delaney.

I’m an American (Southern Californian, to be specific) who lives in The Netherlands.

My husband, pup, and I moved abroad in 2019. We had spent years building our corporate careers into something we were both proud of, but found ourselves feeling unfulfilled.

So we did something a little crazy…

guides + info


Check out the Expat section if you’re interested in how and why we moved to The Netherlands.

This section is full of information and guides about immigration, culture shock, language learning, Dutch life, etc. to help you take the same path (or decide whether or not it’s right for you).


This section is full of everything travel. 

We’ll share all our favorite places, tips for finding cheap flights, solo female travel safety, accommodation recommendations, and our packing lists by destination.


This section is all about our life in The Netherlands. If you’ve just moved here or arrived for vacation, we’ll give you the local’s tour.

How & where to shop, Airbnb (easy ingredient) recipes, city recommendations, basic Dutch words, what our life is like, and more.

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(Note: Best enjoyed with a warm beverage in hand).

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